Sweet not so sweet


I'm an owner of the Innersound Eros ESLs and while I love the sound while sitting in the "sweet spot", my "sweet spot" seat is between 2 sections of a modular sofa and is very uncomfortable. I have lived with this for 3 years or so, and now am looking for suggestions to get as close to the ESL sound as I can while having wider dispersion. My room is 20'x14' with the speakers positioned on the short wall and out no more than 3 feet. Physical size is not a problem as my wife will happy with anything smaller than the Eroses. The only restriction is that they cannot be out more than 3' from the short wall. Replacing the sofa is not an option (unfortunately).

My current "short list" includes:

Tyler Linbrook Sig System
Silverline Sonata
Dunalvy Canata/Aletha
Reimer Wind River
Von Schweikert VR4 jrs
Hyperion 938s
Usher AC 10/ 8871

Please suggest any other models that I may have overlooked.

All opinions welcome!


I would check out JM Lab Electra speakers. I have the 926 and Sam Tellig thought they were as fast and dynamic as his electrostatics (I think they are Quad 988). I have listened to electrostats often and agree. The electra's dispersion is not huge (but significantly better than ESLs) which saves the imaging from getting out of focus. Anyway, good luck. Arthur
Mike, I once owned the Innersound Eros MK II and I agree with you concerning the sweet spot ---- way too small. On the other hand, the sound they produced was exceptional. I've gone from the Eros to Von Schweikert VR4 Gen III's, Meadowlark Osprey's, Source Technology and others ----- all good speakers but none of the 'cone' speakers captured the magic of the Eros.

I sold my Von Schweikert's to a fellow Audiogoner who also owned a pair of Martin Logans --- he had the Von Schweikerts up for sale and sold within a month.

I am currently waiting for a demo of the Eminent Technology VIIIa's.

When going form an electrostat to a cone speaker, I would make darn sure you listen to all of them at length (if possible) before you commit to purchase.

Best of Luck
Arthur -- thanks for the reply. I'll check into the JM Labs.

Sedona -- that is what I'm afraid of -- not being able to come close to recreating the magic that the Eros produces (in the sweet spot that is).

What made you choose the ET VIIIs?


You dont want Dunlavy, as they are time aligned and have a tiny sweet spot.

Good speakers, but tiny sweet spot.