I listen to all types of music, but mainly classical. I auditioned the Reference 3A MM De Capo i (and quite a few other speakers) before buying the Dynaudio Special 25. The MM De Capo i was rather mediocre overall and to my ears is easily bested by many other speakers I heard. It is simply not very transparent or revealing. I tried some Sonus Fabers, and they also failed to stand out. I didn't hear the Cremona Auditor, but I did hear the Amati Homage and was not impressed for $20,000. I would strongly recommend finding a way to audition the Dynaudio Special 25. The Special 25 is perhaps the most revealing and accurate speaker I heard at that price, and yet somehow it is laid back at the same time. Almost nothing I throw at it is difficult to listen to, and I have recordings going back to 1902. I would also suggest adding the Wilson Benesch Arc to your list. The Arc is not well known and is hard to find, but is a really superb speaker. Among standmounts, it would have ranked #2 on my list.