I'm going to take the quick way out and second what was said above--particularly Arnold's spot on assessment. I've owned C7ES for over 6 years now and love them to bits. Clinical? Absolutely, positively, no friggin way. Quite the opposite. The Harbeth's are, IMHO, the most musical speaker out there AND the best value for money in audio. Obviously one man's view here but with a twist--I have been trying to find something to replace my C7's for over 2 years now. Why? Got married, redecorated the house and the somewhat big boxes on stands just don't cut it with the new decor. I've listened to nearly every attractive floorstander out there (some even costing 10K!) and for me the Harbeth's simply cannot be beat. I end up returning to my system and realizing that much of what is out there is really not good value for money. Are the Harbeth's better in every respect to what I heard--no. They don't do really deep bass or present a huge panoramic sound stage. But, more than most (at a lot more money) they get the music right. Ditto and then some for the Super HL5. If you have the space and can stand to look at these rather large boxes the HL5, after direct comparison, betters the C7 in a significant way. The HL5 may be one of the best speakers currently made--and for under 4K. I am also using Audio Research (100.2 SS Amp and SP16 tube pre). A very nice, synergistic mix. I had used Naim and the Audio Research is better by a mile. The Harbeths like power so don't short change on the amp--though I've heard them blow the doors off most speakers powered with a cheap Japanese receiver! Harbeths are made to run with the grills on--look at the wood on the sides--there is a lot of it. Tomryan, so many opinions out there in audio land, who to trust? Forget the reviews, internet chat etc. Grab a few CD's and go listen. You will be instantly hooked--I guarantee it. As for dealers. Try John Rutan at Audio Connection in Verona, NJ. He is a great guy and lover of two channel sound. If you are not local he may send you a pair with the option to buy certain you will not send them back. One final thought--if you have the room, go for the HL5's, they are that good.