Zobel network

Having to build my own crossover, I have come across to tweak my crossover by adding a zobel network. From my understanding, a zobel network helps flatten the impedence curve of a speaker to nominal. With the impedence curve flat, the phase of the speaker comes close to in-phase or 0%.

Since this tweak is very simple, does anyone know of anyone of any speaker company that uses this network or have modified a speaker with a zobel network?

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Just tested the network today and notice an improvement in the midbass. As of now, midbass sound punchy and articulate. Their seem to be more control on the cone but I can't conclude on this since the components are not fully burn in.

Alfredo, use the cheapest caps to determine the optimum value. Since you're nearly (already?) there, one way of "burning in" caps is to charge and discharge them (outside the circuit of course) with ever increasing voltage until you reach ~90% their nominal value.
Sean's input would be useful here
Springbok, amplifier do use zobel network but it purpose is to stabilize current rail that supply power to the output stage during speaker loads. Using a zobel network in the woofer help sustain a near pure resistive load.