Von Schweikert VR4JR Set Up

I just took delivery of a pair of VR4JRs last Saturday and am having difficultly getting the "wall" of pink noise described in the manual. They have about 100 hours break in at low to medium levels.

My thought is they may not be broken in enough to try to set them up at this point although that may not be correct.

My room is 14x12x7. Speakers are 8' apart on the long wall. Placement is 1.5' from back wall, 2.5' from right side and about 7' from left wall (room is irregular shaped). Listening seat is 8' from speakers.

Any help would be appreciated even if it is to wait until the speakers are further broken in.
First off, they need a lot longer than 100 hours to break in, more like 400 hours. Make sure the rear tweeter is cranked up all the way or it won't break in. They need to be played fairly hard too when breaking in. I listened to mine each day as they were breaking in and at one point they sounded good, probably around the 300 hour point. I blasted mine for a few more days just to be sure and they seemed to slightly improve from there.

I would say you might need to consider pulling them farther into the room than 1.5 feet. I was getting a rather weak center image and was able to achieve it best when adjusting the distance apart. I had to put mine farther apart in my room to get the center to really lock in, with just a slight bit of toe in.
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I have yet to hear the VR4jr image well. I think they tend to sound out of focus, at least in the 3 systems I heard. Maybe they may need a lot of experimentaion with placement?
Aball, what exactly do you mean, when you say "out of focus"? In my system they image rather well. Often times when listening to 2-ch. recording I have to get up and make sure that center channel is off. The center image is unbelievably stable and life-like, so is the image depth. On some well-recorded uncompressed material you can swear musicians are right behind the curtain covering the screen on the back wall and speakers "disappear" almost completely. Interestingly enough, on many older recordings the "imaging" is not all that good.
My speakers are well away from the back wall (7 ft.), exactly 1/3 of the room length, and the same distance apart. I'm still experimenting with the toe-in, but I have to say, that VR-4 JR's are not very sensitive to the toe-in, at least image-wise. Now I have mine with very slight degree of toe-in (5-10).
Again, YMMV. Regards.
I have mine setup in a 14 x 22 x 16 foot high (cathedral ceiling) sloped down to standard 8 foot height. I have my speakers on the 14 foot wall about 8 feet apart. I have them toed in considerably, left speaker hitting my right shoulder and right speaker hitting left shoulder. Imaging, soundstage and focus are incredible. I am definitely experiencing the ball of sound (3d imaging). The thing that has me perplexed is these speakers are so dam revealing that I am finding it diffucult to appreciate a CDP that I can live with. What is a good smooth CDP with good detail? Except for a couple mega buck CDP's I have auditioned in my system everything under 5K has sounded etched and mechanical. These speakers do need excellent components, that is the only frustration...otherwise they are comparable to the best I have heard.

good listening.