Does anyone out there have a liquid system

If you have one know explanation is neccessary, youll know what I mean. I wasnt sure were this should post but Ive been talking with some of you under speakers. If your getting that liquid sound from your system could you let me know what the componets,cables, interconnects are that your useing? no offense but if it took you one hundred thousand to do it , that wont do me any good; although maybe their are other people out there that it would, so go ahead and feel free.
Audio Note...a complete system is incredibly musical and liquid. I have 2 of them.
More liquid than not really. Perhaps the wrong liquid though. Sort of holds together like keifer.
Liquidity was one of my main goals and currently, I am very satisfied with what I have achieved. I can't stand musical notes that don't relate to each is just unnatural. The Jolida JD100 cd player (with NOS 5751s) was a fantastic addition. I haven't heard layering and detail like that, even in high $$$ rigs at fancy hifi shops. I feel lucky to have finally obtained this kind of system synergy. Arthur
More lush than liquid...would not be to hard to push it's sound towards liquid though.

The tubes I'm using in my Audioprism Mantissa (NOS Amperex 7308's) give only a nice rounding to the mid-range...My Krell Ksa-250 is on the warmer side of neutral and the Apogee Duetta Signatures are lush my nature.

Sold my Sony XA-777es and am thinking about adding a tubed DAC or CD player soon...leaning towards a modded Jolida.

Cables are Acoustic Zen and Harmonic Technology along with Apogee for digital cable.
