Efficency- Low vs. Hi?

Im trying to figure out the point in speakers with very low efficency, for example my speakers which are 4ohm and 86db. As far as im concerned they have no benefit besides being able to spend much more on an amp to get them to move. Right now they sound shut in, boring and thin with my Cambrdige Integrated amp, which is rated at 65 watts 4 0hm. I do not really have the budget to spend hundreds MORE on a power amp just to get these speakers to sound as good as a high efficent design on a lower powered amp, such as my current cambridge. So what are the benefits to having power hungry speakers? Why should i have to spend tons of money just because my speakers are designed with poor efficency?
Isnt it great to have Duke posting and helping on this site! I always look forward to his responses!
Not to pick on you Dave, but I wouldn't consider the Cambridge being low powered at 65 watts. My amp delivers 2 x 25 watts......
Its all about synergy except with the most non linear loads. There are some speakers that just won't be satisfying without power. Apogees come to mind, you can read a million threads on how they really need a fairly powerful high current amps because of their impedance drops. On the other hand I have a fairly low power 40 watt Consonance tube amp driving 88db 6 ohm speakers (VR2s) as long as you don't ask it to blow your head back they have very pretty sound and stage well. In addition I have rock the house as loud as you can take it sound from a big efficient horns with much less refinement, but still pleasing synergy with a 50 watt Mac solid state. If you really want full sound from your system you have to dump the Cambridge or your speakers they are clearly mismatched for that purpose.
You should be less prone to audible grunge from some of the low level electrical noise sources, and this can save bucks on noise reducing / isolating gadgets and whatzits.
Also if you go tubes all those big glowing bulbs look cool.
Else, besides what was said previously about getting good bass from a smaller box, I don't know of an upside.