Audio equipment and cars...enthusiast thread...

Something I've noticed; A lot of the folks that love audio also love cars...I simply think it's an enthusiast gene...anyone care to share their thoughts? I have a Paradigm setup....and an M3.
Mustang GT is a nice car. $160 is about an oil change for me....sobering huh. Definitely cuts into my audio cash.

Yes, I am eyeing the RS4 myself. I have really enjoyed my S4 and love shocking unsuspecting boy racers as I pull away with ease. The car is really a sleeper if you are not familiar with the potential the car offers.


Mustangs are great fun! I had a 93 LX with H-Pipes, suspension, 355 gears, and a Flowmaster Exhaust System. That car just sounded mean! I loved that car but I drove it a little too hard for its liking.
We then parted ways and I have been a german car junky ever since. I think everyone should own a muscle car at some point. Keep that warranty my friend. They come in handy..



I drive a Segway Human Transporter.
Goes about 8 miles on a 10 cent charge. Zero maintenence, no pollution, no sounds, no traffic and no parking problems.
The most fun you can have standing up!
So how's Dean Kamen doing these days? Segway was a bit of a Anyway, shall I assume that your amp is battery powered as well....Rowland??
for me, i just like classic designs - from electronics, to furniture, kitchen cabinets & appliances, lamps, clothing, and ofcourse, automobiles (although i have yet to learn how to drive...)

i am an engineer/designer wannabe, but too lazy and talentless to be one. so i am literally paying for it (not being an engineer/designer).

i am also just a dreamer who wishes his investments in options will sky rocket someday so i can buy all the great designs of the world.

audiogon, audio asylum, and audio circle are like therapy for me. thank god for them!
