In Shower With M_Logans

They were delivered to me couple days ago. And very next day I received my new (used) DK Design....I missed two stop signs and passed a red light driving from work anticipating new to me hi-fidelity listening experience. I opened door..first thing I see my wife angree eyes. So before I can wire the speakers to amplifier I had to spent half of hour intruducing my wife into the beautiful world of antistatic panels and vacume tube technology. Once I've done with the speech I dedicated whole myself to cables and jumpers. 20 minutes later I am already pressing alumium botton on sexiest remote control I've ever hold in my hand. And.... I swear - my old $300 dollars TV sounded better! I am in panic. My wife is yelling. Kid is crying behind the door. And there is no undo button. Life immidiately turned black and white.
Next morning I get up 2 hours earlier than usually. Turned laptop on. Internet. Audiogon. Then Next I am naked in a shower with 0.0000000001 mm thin highly electronic membrane. Then boring 6 hours of drying session. I can't wait to see if there is any difference. Found old pack of cigarretes in garage. Smoked half of it. Finally membrane is dry. Back into the speaker. Amplifier ON. 5 seconds warm up. CD in. Pushed Play. Man! That is the difference! I am excited. Wife loves me again. Kid is loughing.
I purchased the speakers (Aerius i) as used. According to serial number they were manufactured in 1997.
As I mentioned earlier rinsing changed sound dramatically. I wonder now how close the washing procedure brought them to "like new condition". I am affraid I will be asking my self this question over and over again...till I just purchase the new membranes from a MLogan dealer.
It is a first time I aquired this level of stereo for home. Before I had 300 dollars JBL speakers from Best Buy and old SS Yamaha amplifier. Now I have DK Design with Siemens upgraded tubes and Aeriuses connected with 500 dollars speaker cable...and I am thinking that my old system sounded way more jusy and more colorful! Yes, the soundstage is great with this new seems now that sounds originates from everywhere (instead of two sources). The bass is great - very deep and fast. But mid range and highs are just dull. I have Butler tube amp with Dynaudio speakers installed in my car. They sound way more interesting. That's all makes me believe that the membranes do not function properly. Washing just brought them from death to coma. Not back to life.
It looks like in order to mantain a clarity of sound Logan speaker membranes should be replaced on timely basis. How often? How much they are? I would appreciate any info on where and how to order them. Thanks!
Will cause trouble in the long run, lime etc.Best to wash with distilled or RO water.
I've received few emails from people asking me to describe the steps I followed while removing membrane.
Instead of replying to everyone I thought it would make more sense to post my response here.

Appliable to Aerius i:

1. Disconnect all your 500 dollars cables from the speakers.
2. Put the speaker down on the carpeted floor (always front panel up). Make sure you don't damage gold cable connectors on the back panel.
3. On the bottom panel of the speaker (the panel which is parallel to the floor when speaker is standing) release two small (about 1.5 inches long half inch wide) metal plates by unscrewing 4 Phillips screws.
4. Now you have to put speaker back to standing position.
5. Assuming the speaker is in standing position you start gently tap (I did it with my hand) from above both front decorative wooden trim panels. The idea is to make them slide down along the front panel. If you make them slide about an inch they will be released from front panel.
Be carefully here. Since black metal grid is held by these decorative trims. You may want to put the speaker down now.
6. As soon as the trims released and removed you will be exposed to the heart of this speaker - the membrane grid itself. Nothing holds it there. You don't have to unscrew anything. Last thing you need before you can get it with you in a shower :) is to disconnect four wires (two blue, one red and black). The wire connector underneath the grid. Just lift the grid slightly and you will see it. It is right above the woofer. You will use small flat screwdriver. I marked one of the blue wires just to make sure I don't mess them later when I connect the wires back.
7. Membrane is integrated into the metal grid. So you will wash the whole grid - not membrane itself. The metal grid consists of two parts: upper one is longer and has the membrane integrated into it. The lower grid doesn't hold the membrane and used only to cover the woofer. That lower part of the grid can be separated now by simple pulling it away from higher grid.
8. I washed (aka rinsed) it under low-to-med stream of shower. No soup. Warm water. 15 minutes session.
Dried it with floor fan for about 6 hours.
9. Then reverse the steps to put them together.
Lots more discussion about showering with Logan panels on the ML Club website:

LOTS of users have had great success doing this.

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