New speaker with imaging

I have a pair of B&W matrix 804's, original owner and about 12 years old. I like how they sound with timbre and dynamics. I have a high current amp. I mainly listen to orchestra. I would like something with better imaging and less as a point source. I want the B&W sound however with imaging that spreads about 6-10 feet wide at my listening position about 8-10 feet away. Can I get it for under 10 grand? My short list includes Legacy Focus and Von Schweikert VR4-jr or VR4.
Ok guys I'll try to answer everyone. No I haven't heard the new 800 series. I don't know if it was the amp combo (tube) but vandersteens always sounded plummy/ripe to me. Would my solid state amp help that? I also don't know if I am ready for an electrostatic speaker, I like Mahler and organ music too much.

As to the room I am lucky to have a dedicated basement. The Room is 25 ft long and 14 ft wide. However the rear of my space has bifold closet doors so not a good place to put the system. Also I don't like nearfield listening so I am inclined to forget about putting them on the long wall. Lastly there is a flight of steps into the basement, takes about 2 feet away from the 14 ft width. I am forced to use the speakers on the long wall with the right one somewhat close to the steps. I have placed a child's mat on the stair wall to minimize reflections off the paneling. Hope this helps for suggestions. Incidentally the amp preamp combo is an AI3 with a Sonogy Black Knight providing 175 watts and current. The speakers of course are biwired.
Is the new room the same color as the old? There was absolutely too much brown(The drapes did'nt help either).
Using a certain kind of tube amp with the Vandersteens may account for the sound you heard. Could also have been the positioning in the room. I used to use an Audio Research VT100MKII amplifier on the 3A Signatures and I never would have described the bass as ripe. That particular tube amp had good control over the Vandersteen's bass.
Considering you can buy a pair of Vandersteens new for about 3100 (or used in the 2000$ range) that leaves a lot of money for more music or other component upgrades.
Just my opinion- good luck!

Tabl10s- Yes, there was too much brown but I didn't have much choice at the time, since it was all finished wood. I will try to get new pictures up in the near future-
Ok, back on topic now ;)

call your local McIntosh Dealer and see if he has the LS360's. They are voiced well to tube and solid state gear- large sound stage- deep tight bass, furniture grade cabinets @ 140 lbs each, audiophile binding post and can take 600 watts of power! I know that McIntosh speakers are never spoken of because Mc gear is known for amps- but they make some great value equipment and it is timeless.