laid back speakers

hi guys
i hav a bright nakamichi av-8 amp. i am looking for moderately priced under $1000 laid bacl speakers which u should not get fatigued after listening to..
any suggestions are welcome..
Spendor 3/1s, 2/3s, ProAc Response 2S. Merlins and Dynaudios are NOT warm and laid back and I think they'd sound awful with a bright, forward sounding amp. Spendors are easy to drive, much eaiser than the Vandys, but then you'd have to buy stands and, with the 3/1s, keep them at least 2 ft from the wall behind them.
Why dont we reverse the thread, and give a list of speakers that would sound TERRIBLE with said "bright" SS amp (putting aside the fact that he might consider the amp instead)...

Thiel, Dynaudio, Merlin, Audio Physic immediatley come to mind.
In the spirit of "reverse thread", yes, I second Paradigm. Also, Magnepan, Martin-Logan, some Coincident Tech models, some Totem models...
I think of laid back speakers as not being in you face speakers. Is this right or am i wrong?