laid back speakers

hi guys
i hav a bright nakamichi av-8 amp. i am looking for moderately priced under $1000 laid bacl speakers which u should not get fatigued after listening to..
any suggestions are welcome..
In the spirit of "reverse thread", yes, I second Paradigm. Also, Magnepan, Martin-Logan, some Coincident Tech models, some Totem models...
I think of laid back speakers as not being in you face speakers. Is this right or am i wrong?
>>Especially, when you enlist the help of reviewers whose opinions don't
carry much weight with most.<<

What -- their opinions carry less weight than yours? Obviously, there is a
difference of opinion and yours is only one impression among many.

>>The VR1s are NOT warm speakers<<

You mean, they don't sound that way to you.

Obviously, others disagree.

I still think the poster should put them on his audition list.