A question to you all........

...how many of you will be attending the NY Audio Show at the Hilton on April 28-May 1st? Wouldn't it be interesting if we (all attending) included our "loggin name" by our real name? So I may be enjoying a room and I may question a visitor next to me and find out it is "sean" (or someone else?) who I have had some contact in the past?? Interesting?
ALSO...does anyone know if "SoundLabs" speakers will be there via manufacturer or dealer?? Also Von schweikert and Talon?
I too can only get there for at most one day. Any suggestions on the best way to see the most in limited time? Any recommendations as to Sat or Sun? I might be able to come down Friday PM and stay through til 3 or 4 on Sat. How much time is needed?
Obviously, you don't proof your own photos. Either that,
or you're with Stacy right now.
Hi Swamp...I think that you will need at least 9-12 hours of real "hoofing" (walking around) to see most of the rooms.
However.....if you are looking for certain gear and or manufactures and you are not going to any of the special events (lectures) then you can do it in 4-6 hours??

Hope to see you there!
Rwd, I wouldn't expect Sound Lab to be there. Normally they do one show a year, the CES. Your best option is to contact Sound Lab who may refer you to your nearest dealer. We're an accommodating lot :-)