Anyone at the Stereophile show

I'll make a longer review later.
But some of the stuff thats great.
JM Lab Alto speakers in the Musical surrounding room.
Holy Moly does this speaker sound incredible.
Articulate fast and a great bass response.
Garth Leer also played alot of great upbeat tracks.
Some of the music in the other rooms could put you to sleep.

Hyperion speakers. First time hearing them and there a must hear speaker.
There sweet sounding speakers with a good bass response.
Vandersteen 5 speakers sounded phenominal on these Pathos mono tube amps.
The 5s sounded very 3 dimenional and airy.
Gini tube amps and preamp on the 10th floor.
I never heard of this tube amp and preamp.
This is a 300B 845 tube amp.
Its a large tube amp that runs cool. It uses impressive tubes.
Two 300Bs, Two 845's.
It costs 2950 and sounds unbelievable.
They also had a matching preamp and this cool looking acrylic board, which was under the CD player.
Good speakers for the money. The Odyssey speakers that use the Scanspeak 7 inch woofer and tweeter sounded really good.
I liked Gilbert of Blue Circle's "Music Pumps Manequin Music System" In the hall outside their room.

The GTT Audio room with the Kharma 3.2/sub/new 150 wpc class D amp/Kubala-Sousna/Kuzma setup was making for some very nice analog playback. I preferred it over the larger Kharma speakers with Lamm amps next door.

EMM Labs digital playback was in a lot of rooms and making a very good show of themselves, but Ray Kimber's demo of his ISOmic recordings using the big Pass amps and the gorgeous TAD Model 1 loudspeaker in 4 channel was very impressive.

I agree with the above assesment about the show being a lot smaller than in years gone by, with a lot of major players being absent.

I saw of lot of our own Albert Porter over the course of the two days I was there, and am looking forward to his always great photos.
It was my first time there, so it's interesting to hear that the show wasn't has big.

I was also really into the Blue Circle/ Focus room - other favorites were the Almarro room, Mark Levinson's presentation, the Vandy model 5As, DeVores, mbl, VSA VR-4jr. I didn't like the Hyperion's as much as I thought I would. They just weren't engaging. Also, as hard as I try, I just can't get into Joseph Audio speakers. The first time I heard the Pearls, they had just come out and were sent over to Audio Classics in Elmira (I think after a show somewhere - I made the trip to the store to pick up a used MAC amplifier). I heard them with 1000 watt MAC monoblocks...did not like 'em. Unlike the expo, they were set up properly and I wasn't sitting behind a group of people talking - but at the expo they sounded the same. They're definitely up there in the hi-end world, but best of show?!

I was talking to Richard Vandersteen and we came to the conclusion that probably most of the hi-hand speaker designers out there probably don't go out and listen to enough (or any) live music.
rooms that caught my attention:
1. lamm/damoca: huge soundstage, amazingly clean bass, gripping
2. harmonix reimyo: very refined, realistic, but underwhelming, i think their speakers weren't quite on par with their superb electronics
3. jm lab/balanced audio: fulfilling, musical, a bit overwhelming and hifi sounding, but still quite impressive (especially playing vinyl)
4. jm lab/pathos/esoteric: lively and musical, well balanced, not the most detailed
5. talon/wavac: great presence, well extended both ends, my second favorite room
6. acapella/einstein: my favorite room, both small and large speakers sound super transparent, most detailed, seamless, coherent, bass is clean and adequate, music seems to be transformed to fine art
7. software sale madness!!! found almost everything i ever wanted and more at discount

it was my first time going to an electronics show. after coming home and played music for hours, i am glad that i have gained more respect for my system. no more upgrading until i get rich.
Rar1, you din't like the tweeter on the Hyperions? Funny that you mentioned it. I was there early Saturday and I initially thought the tweeter was bothersome. I own a pair of the Hyperions so I know how they should sound. I think what happened was that the Hyperion SS monos were not fully warmed up because when I came back at the end of the day, the highs sounded as sweet as ever. Did you hear the Hyperion tube monos? The high frequencies are just magical with the tube monos. I have posted an extensive review on the Hyperion room and the VS VR4jr/DK Design VS1 room. Should be up soon so take a look and tell me what you think.