Analysis Audio at High End Show

Did anyone spend much time at the Analysis room? Do they resemble Apogees in sound and presentation? As one who still mourns the passing of Apogee....I have patiently awaited someone to pick up the Apogee torch. Is this the company?
I didn't spend much time there simply because I called them approx 2 weeks ago asking for pricing. The pricing I received at that time I thought was high. To my amazement, the pricing at the HE show was even higher, on average $3K per pair!
The prices seemed high to me too. But I listened anyway. I can't compare them to Apogees, since I have never heard Apogees, but I really liked what I heard. There was a sweetness to the sound, but it was also very transparent and of the top 3 or 4 sounds at the show IMO. Sweet spot was small. They may have sounded a bit better on smaller recordings (chamber, small vocal ensemble) than bigger (orchestral) but I would need more listening to confirm this.

I really wasn't in a spot to be able to accurately judge the quality of the sound but from where I was sitting, they didn't strike as very dynamic -- and I generally like planars and ESLs.
Analysis Audio speakers are manufactured in Greece and being imported in the USA .That would explain the prices I think.Visit am not connected with the company in any way other than I am Greek myself.