Meadowlark Shearwater vertical orientation.

A couple of nights ago I was listening to Joni Mitchell's "Court and Spark" and stood up in the middle of a song. The image focus and clarity seemed much better standing. It started me thinking about the vertical angle of the baffles when I decided to check how level the speakers were. I put a level against the back of the speakers and was surprised to note how far tilted back they were, especially the left speaker.
I got out a pair of wrenches and leveled the speakers. The difference in the sound while seated in the listening chair is amazing. I've listened to "Court and Spark" three times now just to ensure it wasn't my imagination. The soundstage is wider, the image is focused, the sound is more alive. Didn't realize what I was missing.
If you are listening to these wonderful speakers and haven't checked their tilt, put a level against the back to make sure they're straight. It's worth checking.
When I installed my Shearwaters I was advised by a more knowledgeable pal. He made a point of saying that levelling was important, and he suggested I use the Benz Micro round level that came with my cartridge.

I actually thought he was a little round the bend but I resolved to humour him once I got the speakers placed in the room. I was glad I did. Before that, I really only got the full imaging power of the speaker when I was standing up, just like you.

The next step was to add some acoustic treatment... I haven't finished that yet, but it's pretty clear that these speakers have an awful lot to give and room setup will let them do it.
Nice system!, I noted your left speaker in your picture was half on a rug and half good, glad you got it leveled out!

Tobias' sytem is VERY musical, I'd follow his advice. We're overdue for a listening session eh Toby?

It's all about the music, Jeff