Lugnut needs your advice on small speakers

I'm building a system for a friend on a limited budget and hope to listen to Triangle Titus 202's and Omega Super 3's while in Portland, Oregon next week. If any of you know where I can give these a listen I'd be able to eliminate a lot of self induced stress from trying to do the best job possible.

It would be helpful to have your opinions about these speakers even if I don't get to listen to them. I'm guessing that the Triangle's would be a better match since most users of the Omega's drive them with SET amps. Has anyone heard these and what do you think is a better match with the rest of the system consisting of:

BIX turntable/RB 250/ZYX R100H Yatra MK II
Supratek Syrah
ASL Wave 20's
Spletz anti-cables

I'll be buying a VTA adjuster for the arm as well as a heavyweight counterweight and using Twl's hifi mod that he has so graciously shared with all of us.

Other speakers in the $600 range new or used would be considered as well but they do need to actually be available for purchase. Other speakers I've been looking for, even if a little more money, are the Merlin VSM's, Harbeth's, Revolver and Coincident. Obviously with these speakers I'll definitely need to buy used.

The system will be installed in a small, nearly square room. The room is being gutted and purpose remodeled for audio use so we should be able to make the most out of it. Even comments about building the room are welcome. Consultation with an acoustic designer is not budgeted.

My friend listens mainly to rock but loves the mixed bag of music I play for him at my house. He appreciates an excellent recording of a great performance of good music just like I do regardless of genre. I look for him to seek out all types of vinyl that meets this description based on my carbon based library.

Thanks in advance for you reasoned responses.

The Green Mountain Audio Europa is an excellant speaker that is easy to drive with a simple crossover. They are on Audiogon from 575.00-650.00 range. Roy Johnson of GMA recently told me he has a dealer in Portland, OR. The new dealer list is not on their web site yet, but comtact GMA for the info. One Agon member I know just upgraded to the GMA Callisto's and may be selling his Europa's soon. These are amazing speakers.
Hi, Patrick:

I've recently been auditioning smaller speakers with a good friend, and we've heard several that impressed me. And, if your friend is willing to buy used gear, then there are 6-8 very good choices that he should consider:
1. Totem Rainmakers ($900 MSRP)
2. B&W 602.5 S3 ($700 MSRP)
3. ProAc Tablette Reference 8 ($1200 MSRP)
4. Bohlender Graebner Radia Z ($800 MSRP) -- Taller than a small monitor, but performs like one.
5. Krix Equinox ($600 MSRP) -- I have ap pair of these in my "office" system, and like them very much. Infact, I think the entire Krix (Australian) line deserves more recognition than it gets.
6. Spendor S3/5 ($1100 MSRP)

And, last, a speaker which gets very little notice today, but which is one of the finest small monitors on the market (I owned a pair for 4 years and loved them):
7. the Sequerra Pyramid MET-7 ($850, direct sale from Sequerra Audio). If you can find a used pair, they'd be a fine buy. They are also quite efficient, rated at 91db sensitivity. For more info on these speakers, go to the following link:

Best regards, Patrick. Hope this post finds you doing well.

Scott C-
How about this pair of Soliloquy SM2a3's:

A great little pair of speakers that are easy to drive and a steal at $485. I am not related in any way to the seller.
Good luck,
Given the variables (SET amps, analog, budget) he might consider a pair of Klipsch Forte's. Might even be able to forgo the need for a sub as well.
Enjoy your trip to Portland.
Diapason Adamantes II, very musical speakers,I dont think
the Anti Cable interconnect are being sold yet, I am auditioning one,according to Paul, He likes to get some feedback,who are auditioning them,before he will put them on the market. I will keep mine.Thanks