Your favorite recent discovery

What Group or Artist have you discovered in the last few months? Doesn't have to be a new artist, just new to you.
Looking for some ideas.

The Wrens, from New Jersey. I thought "The Meadowlands" was the best album of 2003.
I discovered Magma at the end of last year at Knittingfactory NY. I was amazed how come I didn't know it before as were founded in the mid 70-s...
How about:

Anything Box. Favorite so far is "Worth." Talk about that synthpop sound from the 80s - this is all that plus terrific vocals. Hard to believe it's actually from the 90s..

Stacey Kent. Everything, especially "Let Yourself Go: Celebrating Fred Astaire". What can I say? She is the sexiest vocalist I've ever heard. I guarantee that this CD will make you melt.

Dave's True Story. This one is in a category all by itself. I guess I'd call it adult contemporary lounge lizard jazz. Great vocals, intelligent and somewhat adult lyrics, catchy music and is much more polished than you would expect. Very easy to listen to, but it's not until you actually concentrate on the lyrics that everything clicks. They've all got a twist.