Mid life crisis yields open check from the wife.

Well not exactly, but have I've been granted permission to invest $10K into anything I want. So, my choice is to upgrade my McIntosh MA6500 integrated amp and Monitor Audio GR20 speakers.
So, the only criteria is another integrated amp( I'm leaning towards tubes with phono stage) and possibly monitor size speakers. Used.
I would appreciate any advice or suggestions you could come up with. Thanks in advance.
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There are so many good monitor speakers and integrated amps in that price range that it would be hard to know where to begin. I'd say you haven't tried tubes before, give it a try.
You're wife is certainly being nice, especially considering that the money is being spent on audio gear. It's not the usual story you hear on these forums.
Maybe being straight and an audio gut isn't that bad after all!
Among monitor speakers, although I haven't heard it, based on experiences that have been reported here by members whose opinions I particularly respect I would suggest that you consider the Coincident Triumph Extreme II ($4K including stands, new). I say this despite the comments that were provided in the initial response to your other similar thread.

Its fairly high efficiency, high power handling capability, and benign impedance characteristics should provide you with many suitable choices regarding amplification.

Good luck. Regards,
-- Al