Preamp for Aesthetix / Atma-sphere


I have the Aesthetix Io Eclipse with volume and dual power supplies, Atma-sphere MA-1 monoblocs (140 watts) and Audiokinesis Dream Maker (93 db sensitive) speakers. These are great components. My question is about system synergy, how to make them play together.

I have been running the Io direct to my amps since I first bought the Mk2 version back in 2004. At the time, I had a Krell FPB600, and in that context, it was a blessing, and a great step up from the Krell KAV 250p preamp. I'll never forget my first impression with the Io - it was like going from the wooded hills up into the mountains. There was no going back.

With volume, the Io functions as a preamp. It looks like a preamp. Someone here on A-gon said going direct is best - which I interpreted as: it IS a preamp! So I thought, OK I have a combined phono and preamp - problem fixed. But it wasn't.

From recent testing I have finally become convinced that the Io does benefit from a separarate preamp. Even if clarity and detail is better going direct from the Io to the amps, the punch and "here-ness" of the music is clearly better with a preamp in the chain, at least in my system.

Trouble is, which preamp? I am testing a small solid state Musical Innovation preamp, which helps with the punch but veils the music. An optimal solution might be the Aesthetix Callisto, preferably with dual power - but I don't have the space, and I already have a lot of tubes and tube heat. I have space for one or possibly two boxes.

From what I have heard so far, a solid state might do the job well (in my tube-rich context), however it should not impart any s-state artifacts or reduce the resolution from the Io Eclipse.

The ideal would be to test a few tube and s-state preamps, and then decide. However, this is difficult where I live, so advice is welcome.

My question relates to my own setup of course, but is relevant for everyone with a top phono stage on the one hand and amps on the other. What is best in the middle?

From recent testing I have learned that problems that I thought were related to the speakers, the phono pre, the pickup and so on, were in fact related to the preamp issue. For example, the Dream Makers straight from the Io may sound a bit lazy and washed out in the bass, very clear in mid and treble but not fully embodied. Plugging in the solid state pre, the situation becomes dramatically different, now the speakers are driving, propulsive. Very enjoyable, but some detail is lost and some transistor things added that I don't want.

So I am looking for a solution with most of the plusses, and not much of the minuses. The preamp must be fully balanced with XLR in / out.
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What I find interesting about tube rolling is that the effect, in my experience, is often bigger than the effects of changing power cords, feet etc. At least it seems so in this case. I would say that the effects of changing the 12au7 tube in the Einstein are clear, like lifting the component half a class higher. "A-" to "A" in Stereophile (but I hate "classes" and all this easy divisioning). I know I can help with a better power cord (or damping etc) also, but it is usually smaller increments. It is somewhat paradoxical that an already "engaging" component sounds even better with a "bigger-sounding" tube, but it seems to be the case. Especially at moderate-to-high volumes.
As I am testing I am rediscovering vinyl - always a good sign - and now, George Harrison: Learning how to love you, from Thirtythree 1/3 (Dark horse K56319). How come this has been overlooked, while Something is regarded among the world's best pop songs ever? (perhaps because the rest of the LP is often marred by me-too disco arrangements?) It is not as strong as a song, but it is in the same mould, carrying it further, and sounds absolutely marvellous.
What I find interesting about tube rolling is that the effect, in my experience, is often bigger than the effects of changing power cords, feet etc.
Yes yes yes yes yes!

So happy you like the RCA 12H7. It is a special tube. I never heard a tele 12au7. But I tried many other 12au7's and 7602 and the RCA is the king for me.

Once you get your system tuned with tube rolling, then cable differences start to make a big difference. Start with IC from pre to amp, then put in a nice conditioner like the Running Springs. And then a top power cord into that. Then power cords for preamp and and IC from sources to pre. Finish with power cords to amp and finally speaker cables. This is the order for which things made the most difference as I did all the updates.
Trying to sum up:

Audiolabyrinth: "It's not about how much a componet cost, It's what the componet does!"

Agree, well said! It is shown in this thread also. By changing a tube, not so expensive, I've made an expensive tube preamp sound better.

Charles1dad: "Reading what you've written it just seemed as though the Io was omitting important characteristics that the Einstein revealed(and this got your attention)."

Plus one for the best attention in the thread - and willingnesss to deliver a different opinion.

It got me thinking. Perhaps I overrate my Aesthetix Io, since I have not compared much. Although from what I have heard, I like what I have. It is not about "resolution" in the narrow sense, but musicality in a wide sense. For me, the Eclipse version needed 300 or more hours break-in. But from there, it was no comparison with the Mk2 that I had before (never tried the signature version). I did not look back.
Hi Jafox - yes, I am verifying the 'clarity' that you spoke about. My impression is that everything becomes a bit larger. So even if a 12au7 may sound prettier etc it does not reach the same level.

Many thanks for further upgrade advice.

I already run a JPS Superconductor 3 from the Io to the Einstein, and a JPS Superconductor FX from the Einstein to the MA-1 amps. The SC3 is clearly the best cable of these two. Both cables are XLR / balanced, and according to some tests, balanced cable into amps don't make a big difference. It may be, better cables can be found, in the Einstein context, my impression is, these do OK.

I use the stock Einstein power cable. If I get a new one, it will need to have an angled plug, fitting the bottom of the preamp (or i must change to the stock plug myself).
I have a dedicated line for my system, have not noted big benefits from a power conditioner - don't know if the Einstein would like it. For now it is plugged into a PS Audio Quintet, that goes into the wall. I have not experimented with power cables so far.