Of all your gear, what piece impresses you most?

I like all my gear, yet the single piece that blows me away the most is my phono preamp.
My Berning zh270, 12 + years of ownership and frankly a product that has to date not shown me ANY limitations with the right speaker. It is in demand for good reason, the value/performance/efficiency quotient is unparalled compared to any amplifier I'm aware of for ALL the genres of music I listen to. Limitations that's the key word. While no product is perfect or ideal for all applications, or tastes for that matter, some just get closer to the ideal, this one does for me. It has never stopped amazing me since the day I purchased it and along the way, the tweeks to enhance it's performance.
My turntable cartridge. Such a small device to make a huge difference in sound.
@ AIT, Man!, I have to agree with Grannyring, what an awsome pair of amps!, what brand and model speakers is that you have in the pics, you still have them, they are eye candy as well, how do they sound, what are the specs on those babys?
A basic rule in audio - change only one component at a time.

Fortunately I had experience with each system component prior to buying the Janszen zA2.1 speakers. So there is no doubt in my mind they have impressed me most.

So soon I hope to experiment with other upgrades, including a new room later this year.