turntable mats: should I use one?

I have a sota sapphire. I have never used a mat. Should I? If so, any recommendations?
Personally, I like the Boston Mat.....although I've never heard one specifically on a Sota
Yes. Sota confirmed that there is a built in acrylic mat. Still, it feels like something should be soft underneath. Though, for the time being, I will trust Sota.
The idea of a hard acrylic surface is that if the mat or platter is of the same material as a record then in effect you wind up with a thick record which dampens out all vibration. My Basis turntable has an acrylic platter and I use no mat as recommended by basis. Just a clamp to press the record to the platter
It is usually recommended that a clamp is used with acrylic platters. I have a clearaudio clever clamp that I don't need anymore after going to a rega rp6. Email me if interested.