Amp with best bass control

Which solid state amp(s) have you heard demonstrate the best bass control? I'm not talking "go the lowest", I'm talking "tight tight - super tight grip on the bass". I'm talking "fast" as well. The proverbial Kung-Fu Grip!

Thanks all!


08-16-13: Audiolabyrinth
I would say check the latest reviews...
I also will add, todays reviews mean nothing but a interest for an audition, these reviewers are payed good money to say what ever is good for the company!
Firstly, don't comment on Boulder's circuit design when you haven't even bothered to read any of their technical white papers (I have). Secondly, your above statements go to the heart of your lack of credibility. You're clearly speaking out of your rear end and it shows. Could Krell have built the Boulder 3060? They couldn't even contemplate an amplifier at that level, but that's what Boulder do every day. Secondly, if your beloved Krell amp is so good...why aren't they building them today? Thirdly you need to learn to spell before lecturing Boulder about how to design a power amplifier!
Ardent competitive fanboy postings notwithstanding, with the Raidho D-3's impedance rating at 4 ohms I'd be looking for enough current to weld automobile frames. Or at least something like 100 amps peak current.
"My K brand has the most wonderful highs you could ever imagine!"

Are you sure about that? I can imagine some pretty exceptional highs.
@ Zd542, Hi, Yes I am sure!, whats important, its to my liking, I am the one who lives with it, doesnt matter what anybody else may say, LOL, they have never listened to my rig!, the amp is only part of the sound, the whole of the system is what I hear!, eany way, I will rephrase the statement,, My K brand has the most wonderful highs to me!, thats the way I should have said that, sorry Zd542,, cheers.
@ p59teitel,,competitive fanboy postings notwithstanding!, you hit the nail on the nailhead!, lol!, Ha, ha, Ha!