Amp with best bass control

Which solid state amp(s) have you heard demonstrate the best bass control? I'm not talking "go the lowest", I'm talking "tight tight - super tight grip on the bass". I'm talking "fast" as well. The proverbial Kung-Fu Grip!

Thanks all!

@ Isochronism, Thanks, do you know Judyazblues?, I do not!, never talked to this person about anything audio!, Isochronism go look on the digital, K-03 thread, this judy is there making static for me there to, LOL!, I must have something wrote on me saying, lets mess with this guy and see how much crap he can take, Ha, Ha,LOL!, oh well, I suppose they are having their fun!, I can do better, like ignore them!, However, its a shame that post like that ruin a thread, Thats it, we can call people like that, thread killers, Ha, Ha, LOL!
@Isochronism, I would tend to have more respect for someone who is evidently more interested in music than someone who has an incessant need to make themselves feel better about their audio equipment.
Hi Melbguy, I'm not sure why you directed that toward me. I put my system together less than a year ago after a few years of research. My acquisition and complete assemblage took about six months. I could not imagine ever wanting to change any of my components. I do understand your personal position regarding music, as it does well pertain to me. I can now only focus on exploring more Jazz, my strongest musical impression as a boy. I am a male and so i can also fully understand one's fascination with gear, as I very much enjoy reading of others equipment swapping exploits and experiences. Their thing is providing me with entertainment and knowledge. Share the love :)
Iso, I think you missed my point. I was referring to your previous comment in defence of Judyazblues. It was a value judgment on the merits of your comment, not your interest in music.
@ Melbguy1, Hi, why would you defend such a character like Judyazblues?, no one knows this person, I have never had a conversation with judyazblues before!, I believe Judyazblues is, what I call, A thread killer!, some people like to frustrate members cause they are bored and have nothing better to do!, I am not talking about you, you have done nothing, as a matter of fact, I have ennjoyed reading some of your post!, cheers to you Melbguy1.