Hegel h200 low level listening

I'm curious to know what h200 owners think of their low level listening and detail. I'm close to pulling the trigger and unfortunately I didn't do a lot of low level listening when I auditioned the amp. I have no option to listen to it again locally.

I've spent the past year listening to integrated amps and darned if I can't find one that I like nearly as much as this ugly beast. Not even close, right up to the Ayre AX5. I'm so tired of listening to absolutely beautifully built amplifiers while thinking about my two hours with the Hegel H200. Please don't mention the H300 because I can't afford it.

I would greatly appreciate any information you can pass along.
Don - thanks for the reply...it's late now. I'll look at your cabling and CDP tomorrow (or should I say, later today). I'd been leaving the Hegel powered up 24/7 when I had it in the system. There's no mute that I can see on mine...I just turned the volume all the way down. Funny about the balanced XLR thing. I've been looking at possibly getting a new CDP and balanced out is on the list of features because of the Hegel. Curious how that will sound vs unbalanced RCAs.
Unless you are using long runs ,with equal quality rca,balanced a very slight difference soundstage slightly larger in Xlr mode ,but imaging with
RCA perhaps a percent better. Not worth selling your other cables
Unless everything is true balanced input to output.including your source
Cd ,phono
I am not even sure if the Hegel is fully balanced inputs to output.
I bought the Hegel 200 I could have bought the 300 which is more neutral
And perhaps a bit better detail,but image density warmer tonal balance
Fuller Bass the 200 is a more musical amplifier in my opinion.
I did not think the Hegel would be sufficient for my YG Carmel loudspeakers for they will let you know if something is lacking.
I was pleasantly surprised it is a dam good amplifier and the preamp
Section is first rate. I would need to spend at least $10k in separates to
Truly make it a bit better,but here too you would need another pair of quality
Interconnects,and power cord which is another $1,000 or so.
Hegel engineers told me a 10 awg cord or better for best results because of the high current.i also replaced the 10 A slow fuse with a Furutech fuse
And for sure gives better low level resolution and clarity.