When did you start to love music and why?

My story is short but in 1962 our family lived on military housing in France. My folks purchased a Grundig tube console stereo and loved playing music with friends. This was my introduction to music. Interestingly when the Grundig (German made)stereo broke down we called for a French repairman. All he could do was cuss as he tried to make repairs. Finally he gave up and said only a german repairman could fix it.

I personally think that music is like a time machine and can instantly transport you back to a time and place but just as important it can be exciting and or relaxing.

Great thread! My mother was a pianist and vocalist- quite good at both. From my earliest memory I was daily in the presence of live music. Of course I'd give anything to hear that again.
Music was a major part of childhood. My father played guitar, my brother and mother played the piano. In fact, later in life my dad built a little recording studio on the garage so he would make music with my mom. My love affair started when my parent bought me a little RadioShack AM/FM radio when I was about 6 years old. I would spend hours listening to music in my bedroom. I remember spending countless Sundays listening to Casey Kasem's America's Top 40. Then my dad bought his first hifi system when I was in 6th grade. It was a Kenwood system with a turntable. Oh man, every chance I got I would play music on it, spinning a lot of my Dad's Beatles, Billy Joel, Santana records. In my teenage years I got more and more into car audio. No I wasnt one of those punks that played music from my car annoyingly loud with too much bass. I sought to build an audiohphile car audio system. This eventually consisted of Boston Acoustics separates, Pioneer head unit, Pioneer cd changer, JL Audio subwoofer, and a couple of Sony amps. Very nice sound. Fast forward through college, grad school, kids, house, divorce, etc...music remains a constant in my life. I have been fortunate enough to have the means to spend somewhat frivolously on this hobby/passion of mine. For that I am grateful. I hope my kids have the same love of music I have and find the same kind of joy, comfort, and respite in music that I have.