When did you start to love music and why?

My story is short but in 1962 our family lived on military housing in France. My folks purchased a Grundig tube console stereo and loved playing music with friends. This was my introduction to music. Interestingly when the Grundig (German made)stereo broke down we called for a French repairman. All he could do was cuss as he tried to make repairs. Finally he gave up and said only a german repairman could fix it.

I personally think that music is like a time machine and can instantly transport you back to a time and place but just as important it can be exciting and or relaxing.

My goodness! What a terrible loss. I sure hope you're wrong and those people are at least whistling while they work.
Csontos, your right and I bet their whistling "Ring of Fire" which would be a very good thing!
Yes, the Chipmunks for me too! Very cool coloured vinyl singles....then of course, the Beatles happened! I also remember spending hours listening to my "red tomato" transistor radio - top 40 countdown every Sunday night. So important to know who was # 1.
When I was a tot my parents had one of those Zenith consoles where the speakers folded outwards and the turntable folded down. This was after the console with the TV, AM FM radio, and turntable with the Cobra arm. I don't remember using the earlier one, but do remember using the later one, playing Bo Diddly, Bent Fabric, etc. lps, and countless 7 inch 45's my mother had. Poison Ivy, Running Bear, what memories!

Then the transistor radios came out and those were just the greatest!
Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis and Little Richard in a record store where you could take records into a private booth and listen for free! It was right next to the show we all went to every Saturday afternoon