I honestly can't remember a beginning, I just always did as far back as I can remember. It may have and probably did start with my father, quite a good amateur singer, an Irish tenor who modeled himself after John McCormack when he was a boy. His parents came from Ireland so there was that influence as well. He always sang acapella at our big family get together's which were frequent when I was growing up. Man, I sure remember how fun it was during that time with all the cousins, aunts and uncles! I would generally serve the beers along with my cousin Peter as the men talked politics, getting into frequent arguments as the beers went down, it was the McCarthy era so plenty of differing opinions. We all lived close together then. After things settled down his siblings would encourage my Dad to sing. He would always settle things down with his singing and the enviroment grew quieter. I was amazed at the effect it had on everyone, bringing tears to the siblings in particular. He was the oldest of nine, his father died when he was a young man of 21 so he was almost a surrogate father to the younger ones. When we were very young, some of my very earliest memories, he would sing Irish Lullabys and melencholy Irish songs, Mechusla, Danny Boy, Little Town in the Auld County Down and it was just so nice. Most importantly my father loved music, ALL types of music and could always appreciate good music and good musianship regardless of the genre so if not for him I don't know if I would have the same passion for it as I do. There were also plenty of musicians on my mother's side. She too sang around the house growing up, loved music and was influential as well but not quite like my Dad.
When I was 9 or 10 the cheap mono record player was replaced with a genuine solid Maple Zenith Console stereo and things really took off from there.
When I was 9 or 10 the cheap mono record player was replaced with a genuine solid Maple Zenith Console stereo and things really took off from there.