Should I Repair a Plinius 8150 ?

Have an 8150 which I purchased in 1999. Has worked flawlessly until recently.
The capacitors need replacement and the source switch needs some work. The unit is perfect cosmetically. The cost from a very respected and Plinius recommended tech in the US is $750 ( +60 to 70 for shipping )

My concern is how long will it last after repair. My field is not electronics.
My alternative would be to sell it as is and find another alternative.

thx for your help--I just joined
If you love the Plinius, the answer is easy. If not, it might be a good opportunity for a change. From a pure cost standpoint I would consider what you might get for it on the used market as is, add that amount to the cost of repair, and see if there is a newer integrated you could get for the total amount that you'd be happy with. For example, if you got $300 for it, a newer integrated in the ~$1100-$1200 range would make sense financially. On the used market, you can get a lot of amp for that amount.
I think it would be really hard to find something as lovely as that amp for $750. I do this: I flip a coin and if the coin says the same as my gut feeling then it validates me and if the coin says something opposite to what I felt I wanted to do it highlights my inner thoughts about the repair / upgrade whatever.
As mentioned already; I'd shop around and see if you can't find a better price. Plinius makes a very good product.
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I read this thread days ago and had all the same thoughts as Viridian, just didn't feel comfortable saying do it yourself without experience, But now that he has said it....
open the case, take pictures of the wiring for reference, look at and measure the physical size of the caps. Get the value of the caps... i.e. 10,000mfd 50v etc.
If you can replace these caps, any good cap with the same MFD rating or higher AND the same voltage rating or higher(larger the value the better on both) that fits will do a good job.... a 10,000mfd 50v cap runs $5 to $30 USD. As Viridian said, some parts have improved, you should come away with better performance than before the repair.
Good Luck,