Do you indulge when listening to your rig?

I was curious how many audiophiles have a glass of wine or beer when listening to their system. I myself on occasions have done this with excellent results, although it's not a habit. If you were going to have a serious listening session would you, or would not have a drink. Thanks for viewing this thread!
Syntax do you dip the small slice of dry bread into the mineral water to soften it?
Extreme moderation is excessive, and bad for you (I think, although I've never done in moderation personally I've known people who live that way...sad...*sniff*...). Opium is also great for listening to music, but opium for smoking has been hard to get since about 1915, and is NOT non toxic. So forget I even mentioned it...please...sorry...damn...where did I put that glass of Wild Turkey? Around here somewhere...
(The dried bread has hallucinogenic mold spores) Syntax doesn't realize. sshhh
We can tell by his postings :)
"n a related subject, i read about a clinical test somewhat recently, with MDMA suggesting that a very small amount of this drug can elevate ones connection and enjoyment to music quite quickly."

If I'm not mistaken that's the same drug they call Molly, which has been all over the news for dehydrating kids, basically making their blood boil and killing them. I'll stick with the slow death.