Cars. What does the typical audiophile drive?

Just curious. People have asked about watches,
cigars, beer, and even ones income here.

1: What do you drive (daily & weekends)?
2: What might you be driving in the future?
3: What would you drive if $$$ was no object (pick 2 ;-)?

My answers to the above:
1: Toyota truck.
2: Newer Toyota truck.
3: Lamborghini Murcielago & McLaren F1.
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You obviously never heard the system in the IS F. It was as good if not better than my ARC gear at home. It was by no means "one note bass" but supremely musical. It even had multichannel DVD-A.
I can't imagine how you've come up with that assessment. What gave you heard in a car that was better?
I never updated my last response, as of 3.5 years ago I drive a 2003 VW Passat. Great car and super reliable.
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