Tube in Preamp or Power amp?

I have been thinking to move from a solid state int. amp to the tube world. If I were to go separate and if one has to be SS, would it be better to have tube in the preamp or in the power amp? or would it make any difference since I'm mixing tube with ss?
As Jack Benny would say, "Well."

Did Solaris4ever have a geography question regarding the Netherlands?

Recent news, Gibson recently purchased 51% of Integra/Onkyo USA making them the second largest share holder of Onkyo Japan. This following a marked decline in their product quality.
I've been to the Netherlands three times and noticed that most everybody from there spoke English very well, and I assume they can write it well also. I say we donate to the "Dutch Mountains Literacy Fund," as well as the "Onkyo Fund for Restoring Audio Credibility and Knowledge" or OFFRACK.
Solaris, back to your question, there are hybrid integrated amps with tube line stage and solid state amplification should you prefer to keep an integrated. I had a Vincent at one time. I am currently using a Jolida Fusion pre with a BEl 1001MK5 SS amp and like this combination. Mapman has valid points regarding pre vs. amp tube use.
To Solaris4ever

I really think it depends on your speakers. My uncle who has electrostatic speakers in a larger room has an Audio Research tube preamp paired with a pair of Threshold monoblocks. For me in a smaller room with various KEF speakers that are a bit easier to drive I've been able to use an Accuphase C200 preamp with Response Audio Bella Extreme monoblocks or a Kavent S-33 preamp with a Jolida JD-502P amp. Tube amps do cost more maintenance wise. Getting the proper power tubes and spares can take a toll on your wallet. Then when you get into tube rolling watch out.