Tube in Preamp or Power amp?

I have been thinking to move from a solid state int. amp to the tube world. If I were to go separate and if one has to be SS, would it be better to have tube in the preamp or in the power amp? or would it make any difference since I'm mixing tube with ss?
To Solaris4ever

I really think it depends on your speakers. My uncle who has electrostatic speakers in a larger room has an Audio Research tube preamp paired with a pair of Threshold monoblocks. For me in a smaller room with various KEF speakers that are a bit easier to drive I've been able to use an Accuphase C200 preamp with Response Audio Bella Extreme monoblocks or a Kavent S-33 preamp with a Jolida JD-502P amp. Tube amps do cost more maintenance wise. Getting the proper power tubes and spares can take a toll on your wallet. Then when you get into tube rolling watch out.
If you like to "play" with your gear, no doubt tubes are a lot more fun. Tube rolling is not hard and can be worthwhile, but not cheap.

OR if you just want to spend time listening rather than playing, probably best to minimize exposure to tubes.
I owned amp with tubes and I sold them as well. And I like them too. But Pass Labs made me think differently about amps. Most SS I did not find good enough. I wanted the sound of tubes but not there limitations. They need time to get the optimum sound. Yess it cost money to change them after a few years. And I wanted the speed, drive and control of SS. The class A sound of Pass Labs is very involving. The speed and control gives you things you can difficult get with tubes. When I put the amp on it plays directly at a stunning level. I like things to be fast, I don't like waiting. Normally when I would not have the Onkyo with Audyssey Pro I would have choosen for a tube pre amp. But how I use the Onkyo I never will get the musical sound without any acoustic problem. It gives me also all the layer in the low freq. Without it it is a lot more difficult to get. On the other hand I have more resolution in the highest freq. With other pre amps I do not have the option to create more resolution without changing cables or modifications. I even can adapt the stage wide and depth. There is no preamp which can give me this freedom at this moment. With Audyssey Pro I get the sound realism which highend pre amps can create.
"The whole world is a Tuxedo and I'm a pair of tube socks" - ME
(some material borrowed from George Gobel)