Advice for new Integrated amp please.

Hello all. I am considering selling my Emotiva mono blocks and pre-amp and simplifying with an integrated amp. I moved from Magnepans (which needed lots of power) to the New Golden Ear Triton 7's which don't need nearly as much current. The models which interest me are the Marantz PM8004, Rogue Sphinx and Anthem225. I do listen to some vinyl so a built in phono section is a plus. My listening tastes are electric blues and classic rock. I live off the beaten path a bit so auditions are very difficult. Input, comments, suggestions appreciated....
Of the three you listed I had the Anthem 225 IA, it is a well made IA at it's price point and while I had it has a clean and detailed sound while driving my Paradigm Studio 40's. The Anthem can drive most any speaker rated at 8 ohms, but lacks enough power to drive 4 Ohm load speakers.
I agree with Zd. Boils down to how important it is to simplify. Though the integrateds you are considering represent good value I doubt they would represent an improvement. I have heard the Triton 7s, very nice speakers.
I'm using a Classe CAP 151 with Apogee speakers, it is a great match and would also seem to fit what you're looking for as well (and of course this is just my subjective opinion)but the presentation is very neutral and non fatiguing.
The new Croft Integrated from Acoustic Sounds. (I'm not affiliated with either. I own Croft gear)
Thank you all for the replies and input. I will take them into consideration and may best move after all may be no move. I had thought a one box solution to amplification may be nice but perhaps not required.