Tubes vs Solid State - Imaging, Soundstaging, 3D

I have limited experience with tubes having had a couple tube amps with Gold Lion KT88s and EL34s. The majority of amps I have owned have been solid state. In my experience, SS always seems to image more sharply and offer the deepest, clearest field.

Is this common?
Atmasphere, thanks very much indeed for your usual clarity of explanation. You have a gift for it; I have learned a great deal from you on this board - Al as well.
"In my experience, SS always seems to image more sharply and offer the deepest, clearest field. "

Apparently, not the case. Unless no negative feedback is used. At least not in some ways.
All we've heard so far is a generalization of 'large' amounts of NF. Nothing specific or specific for specific amps has been stated. There clearly remains a beneficial amount at which comparisons of tube and ss amps' performance level may converge. Hence the ongoing debate and differing preferences. There seems to be an awful lot of objective statements being made under the guise of subjective view points though.
Well, all that matters usually comes out in the end. You just have to trust your ears. There is no equation or theory that can account for that 100%.

My view is there are many aspects of design that matter. I've yet to determine that any single one is always the determining factor. Most things are a matter of degree,not black and white. Only ones ears can determine how it all adds up.

If this were not the case, then all the smart engineers in the world would more or less be designing things pretty much all the same way. But obviously they do not. I suppose that's part of what makes this stuff interesting.
Cutting tech hairs perhaps, but I'm wondering what is the distinction between noise and distortion?

Wouldn't the harmonic artifacts introduced by NF be considered a form of distortion rather than noise?

I think of "hiss" as a form of noise. I think of harmonic anomalies as a form of distortion.

Both are obviously unwanted, but maybe worth clarifying to avoid confusion in the interest of talking apples and apples.