Emo dumps Carver, the Carver site is down.

10-20-13: Audiozen
I did not play Bob as a victim...
Check the date of my post, 2 days before yours so NOT responding to your post.
He's responding to my post. I never played Bob as a victim; he always lands on his feet and I'm sure got paid. I meant maybe he gave up some intellectual property and then saw that his product was not a good fit for the Emotiva business model. Maybe his designs are already being copied in China. It's all speculation, and anyway he's selling a tube amp right now on ebay which is his hobby.
And then there's the issue of him retiring with a new wife, he's not a victim.
I sure hope Emotiva bought the designs for his 900 watt 4/chassis monoblocks. Bob made a few sets of 21st century updated version of the award-winning Silver Nine tube amps. They were on the drawing board to be released by his company.
I wonder who will handle existing 7 yr-warranty on my VTA180 -
Bobcarver.com is no longer existed