Best amp for 6 ohms speakers

What's the best amp for driving 6 ohms speakers?
What speakers do you have exactly?

For me when I had a pair of the Andrew Jones Pioneer bookshelf speakers that had a 6 Ohm nominal impedance I liked using them with my Jolida 502P tube amp or a Michael Bettinger reconditioned Sumo Nine solid state amplifier. When I had the Pioneers connected to the Jolida I used the 4 Ohm speaker taps on the amp just to be safe. The tube complement in the Jolida at the time was Tung Sol KT-120s; Tung Sol 12AT7s and Ruby 7025s.

These amps may not be the overall best but they were good to me.

If you can provide more details about your system, speakers musical tastes etc members here can be more helpful.
If the speaker nominal impedance is 6 ohm and has a relative benign impedance swings, then almost any amp will work.

What you need to be concerned with is how the impedance changes with a change in frequency. Some speakers that are rated 6 ohms will dip down to 2 ohm, which can be problematic for some amps.
You ahve not specified the speakers nor the budget. So someone might recommend a top of the line Pass.

I use Parasound A21 with my 6ohms Quad. It is more than sufficient with a Passive TVC.
Some amps overheat if the load falls below 4 should
check the amp ratings first.