Help on power conditioner upgrade

Currently using PS Audio 300 with m/w. Equipment consists of Sony 333ES, Perp Tech P1 & P3, Bel Canto Pre-1, Bel Canto 200.2, and Legacy Sig III speakers. Everything except the amp is plugged into the 300. Looking at the following. All are priced around $1600 for used or demo. Auditioning is not an option.

Shunyata Hydra, Equi=Tech 1.5 or 2.0, Exact Power 2000, PS Audio 1200.

Not displeased with the 300 but I regard it as an entry level piece and I would like to plug in my amp and maybe even a second 200.2 down the road. Thanks.
I have owned both the Hydra and the P300. The Sound Application CF-X with a FIM gold power cord blows either away in all respects. I know it's not on your list, but it should be.
Audio Magic Stealth is the way to go. Much better than the Hydra- better soundstage, more dynamics and less compressed.
I love reading all these opinions; Thanks Guys!! Ok I just purchased 2 of the favorites. The CFX; and a Stealth Magic-- Couldn't get a good enough price on the Hydra. I bought these from 2 different dealers.You know--cover all the bases. I have a large 2ch/ HT setup.Funny, I talked to one dealer he says E-glide is the cord to use; The other dealer says they sorta suck/(loose translation)for what they cost. I will find out/sure it costs money--
Hello Kira, I agree with Ejlif. The Sound Applications CF-X is the best I have heard. I have not heard the Hydra yet. The CF-X is the only conditioner I have heard that improved the sound in every area. The PS PP did some things well but would sound a touch dry and the imaging sounded flat. I was very impressed with the CF-X. I can't say the same when used with amps. The CF-X is so quiet and the dynamics were outstanding. What the CF-X did to the soundstaging was spooky. Maybe Ejlif could tell us his thoughts on the Hydra VS the CF-X. BTW, the CF-X is twice the price of the Hydra if this is a concern. Look for one used. Good luck.
Could you please comment about what you would like to improve on the 300 performance, I´m focusing on the job it does for your front end components.