An integrated with a good phono

Hey all!

Although I have a smooth YBA 201 integrated, I'm looking for an integrated, tube or ss, with a good phono section. I'm powering Reference 3A de Capo i monitors. My budget is about $2000. Thanks for all your help.

"the phono is the weak link of the Rogue integrated."
I wouldn't call it a weak link, the fact is that it is a high-output SS
phonostage and not tube, but is limited to MM or HO-MC. Vinyl sounds very
good on a Cronus Magnum.
A Rogue Pre with tube phonostage will cost over $3000.
Maybe you should get a restored vintage piece, like an el84 integrated. Check maple shade or other sources. Your speakers are sensitive enough for that.
Peter, I've been a Mapleshade customer for about a decade now - speaker/amp stands and their Double Helix cables. I checked out their line of hot-rodded Scott el84 amps. Why would you recommend them?