How do I break in a tube amplifier?

I should be taking delivery of my Yaqin MC-30L tube amplifier this weekend. I believe the dealer is going to set it up and bias it and may even let it run for a few hours before I pick it up. It's going to be a 2nd system sharing speakers with my primary home theater system so I will have few opportunities to leave it running for extended periods of time.

Does it do any good to just leave the amplifier turned on or does it actually need to by playing music?
Wolf ..., ARC told me the same about waiting 5 minutes between a shut off and restart. But you asked a good question about where one should wait during the 5 minute cool off period.

I was told that I should wait in another room and that I must NOT look at the amp during the 5 minute cool down period. Otherwise, the amp may not start up again. So I wait upstairs and lock the basement door for 5 minutes. Doesn't everyone???

LOL ;>')
My god; you can leave it unattended whenever you wish. I mean, I wouldn't drive off for the day while it's on, but I've left my ARC or Sophia or BAT on for hours while I'm otherwise occupied.

Just make sure small children aren't around it.
I had the large caps replaced on my former ARC CL-60. I walked into the store's back room where my amp was sitting on a table. It was turned on with no speakers attached.
The tech told me it is alright to have the amp powered up as long as you don't try to drive it (no input signal from a pre-amp).

A dealer told me that broken-in tube equipment takes about an hour warm-up to sound best whereas solid-state takes 24 hours.
Yogiboy - I'm strongly considering doing this, but the audiophile in my struggles with the idea of something unecessary in the signal path.

Wolf_garcia - Will the tape outputs bypass the preamp in the receiver? I did figure out the setting last night were my receiver will pass all audio signals to the TV so I can just set the speakers to "no" and use the TV for volume when the speakers are not connected. This is also a workable solution for everything but movies that don't happen often.