Yeah, to echo Grannyring again, the Alps blue pots suck for high-end audio applications. They're cool for say a $600 headphone amp or an entry level hifi integrated/pre, but I shudder seeing pics of (for example) a $4K preamp's internals with the telltale blue plastic box and small metal cylinder stuck on its back (the motorized version). If that's what was referred to in the OP's post, then the remote control implementation wasn't a serious effort.
And yes, I've heard the difference...for example, even those headphone amps improve notably when you ditch the RK27 pot for a good stepped attenuator. The cleanest sounding gear I've heard so far has used stepped attenuators. And it shouldn't be that hard for a competent engineer or 2 to motorize, especially given the price points of some of this gear.