Beethoven Violin Sonatas---favorites and recs

I am looking for some recommendations. My current set of the sonatas (Argerich/Kremer) is really very good from a performance point of view but suffers from the typical mediocre DG sound. I love the recordings in my car, but in the house they are pretty week and thin. It requires an effort. I’ve also ordered the Mutter set, but again, its DG. My favorite violinists are James Ehnes and Hillary Hahn, but they have not recorded these works, so I need some help here.
I’d like your favorite recordings of the works (individual sonatas or complete sets) regardless of vintage and also some recommendations of recent recordings featuring good performances with excellent sound. Thanks.
I think the Francescati/Casadesus recordings are mediocre, especially Francescati's performance, which is wooden and unmusical. I wouldn't recommend their performances, which I grew up with, by the way.
How is Francescatti's playing "unmusical". In my experience "unmusical" just means "I don't like it", but maybe you have more specifics.
Maybe Francescatti's style is too "old fashioned" for Jult. I would never characterize his playing as wooden, but as songful or melodious. If I've learned anything from the reviews I've both written and read, the range of subjective or personal preference is extremely broad. What some may find satisfying, others may consider boring...and so on and so forth.
Jhold, the Melnikov/Faust arrived today. Just finished a decent sampling including the Kreutzer. Your description is dead on. I do think I am going to like this cycle very much based on what I have heard so far---would that Faust brought a bit more sweetness than steel at times. Perhaps she is aptly named.
I am still searching for some of the other intriguing recommendations in this thread. I must say, I would love to see these works on ECM. Andreas, your Beethoven Cello sonatas were pretty fine! Are you listening, my friend?