ARC ref 3,5 OR Lamm LL2.1 for my ml2.1

I have been using the AYRE KXR preamp for my Lamm ML2.1 amp. I recently tried the Lamm LL2.1 tube preamp and wad floored at how much more musical my system sounds now. Pianos sounded like pianos. Voice had the mid range magic. One of those great moments where a 7k box beats a 20k box. Now that i realize synergy and tube preamp - i wanted to test the ARC Ref 3 or 5 - anyone experienced this combo and any ideas about the difference between ARC and Lamm preamps on this system?
You can use the exercise...go with the Lammie, no remote.

Dealer disclosure...

I've never heard a good Audio Research combination. Even at the high end spectrum.
Another vote for the Lamm preamp. I think it will be a better match (sounded great with my ML 1.1s when I had to borrow one from my dealer while my old preamp was repaired). I think Jtimothya did a pretty good job describing the basic differences I hear between the two brands, and I tend to go for the Lamm sound over the ARC sound.
Lamm or Bust... Go with Lamm. I just added an L2 to my system over Dac to amp direct. No comparison. I say again, go with Lamm.
Oh boy, just when I was having the nerve to do without my LL2D I read this thread and I'm find myself going back on my steps. Shouldn't have clicked this link!! ;-)

I love this preamp, and indeed it does change with upgraded tubes. Mine drives a McIntosh Mc275. I bet it would sound fantastic with your ML2.1.