Preamp for Art Jota


I bought a used art jota tube amp with volume control and have found
it lacks that tube magic without a line stage. I am feeding a Zesto tube preamp into it.

I would only want a tube linestage with a remote. It's paired with a
Reference 3A episode with a rock 7 turntable and ortofon mcA90 cart in my second system

I was thinking perhaps a CJ ET3. The Zesto Leto would be an obvious choice but too pricey for a second system


How about an Art Audio Alana? There is one for sale on Audiogon now. No relationship with the seller, but I own one and like it.
Funny that this post just came up…. I was in the same boat with my lovely Art
Audio Jota.

While it sounded great with a passive in front of it (a Lighter Note LDR volume
attenuator), I also felt I was missing a little bloom and naturalness too that a
tubed preamp would give.

I went back to a preamp that I loved a few years ago, and bought another one
recently: a Dodd Audio Battery Powered preamp. Totally off the grid and a black
as heck background. Very dynamic, quiet, musical, with enough detail and tube
magic that begs you to listen to the music and NOT the electronics. It sure puts
me into the music!

It pairs extremely well with the Art Audio Jota.

Also curious… what tubes are in your Jota? Perhaps there is some room for gains