Warm, Smooth yet Transparent Amp
Hello All,
I am currently running an Arcam AVR300 for movies and music, 60/40 respectively. The music portion just isn't happening. Everything works but I'm not getting that "involved/pull you in" kind of feeling. I have gone through several pairs of speakers, Proac tablette 50, Triangle Titus 202, Von Schweikert VR1s and currently Vandersteen 1C. Since this is a wide array of speakers, I've come to the conclusion it must be the amplification.
12-09-13: Denon53
I will be using the arcam for a preamp, or did you already figure that out? lol
Bruce, I hate to say it, but I don't think you will find music to be "happening", or to "pull you in" as you say in your original post, as long as you are using the Arcam AVR300. You say you've tried different speakers with no luck, I don't think that trying different amps while still using an Audio/Video receiver as a preamp will help either.
Over a decade ago I tried to marry my audio and video systems with many high end Surround Sound Processors (SSP) from the likes of Mark Levinson, Classe and Krell. I never found any of them to be musically satisfying. I finally gave up on that quest, and now use a dedicated two channel system for music that is very satisfying.