The future of preamps

I still use one, but I wonder if their days are numbered. To those who have removed the preamp from their system, have there been any regrets? Anyone gone back to using a preamp after having removed it?
@ Atmasphere, Hi, If your preamp M-1 is direct coupled, what do you use to safe guard from DC exsposure if I attempted to use your product with the krell 700cx?
Audiolabyrinth, it uses a servo that corrects the DC. The servo also lets you know if there is a problem it can't correct. Its simple, and very reliable.

The actual circuit does not want to make large amounts of DC in the first place so the servo only has to make small changes. We have a patent on how this is done. There are several advantages- part of the reliability comes from the fact that the circuit can't put out large amounts of DC even if it were damaged, so it does not need a protection relay or complicated housekeeping circuits to make it work. Its reliability comes directly from its simplicity.
Don't worry Phusis and others you have it right don't listen to them. When ever there is a thread that threatens the existence of preamps these three to four flat earthers always rear their heads. It's almost like they have shares the slowly decaying dinosaur the preamp.

You are correct the source (if it has volume) direct into the poweramp will give the highest transparency, highest dynamics and least colouration there is, anything added to the signal path is going to colour the sound and be less transparent.

Cheers George
The constant repeating of a fallacy doesn't make it right. Over the years enough members on this site have tried your Light speed product and some found it inferior to their own active preamps. Get off your wobbly soapbox, you are the epitome of the proverbial broken record. It's clear there are satisfied fans of both passive and active components.
I tried various passive preamps in the past and yes some sounded good, but the best was using a good active preamp. Your welcome anytime to come by with your passive and I know you will be leaving with your tail between your pants.