The future of preamps

I still use one, but I wonder if their days are numbered. To those who have removed the preamp from their system, have there been any regrets? Anyone gone back to using a preamp after having removed it?
@ jmcgrogan2, Hi, opps, I see the tube compliment now, still need the other questions answered, wow!, thats alot of tubes!, 18 tubes!, I do not believe I have seen this many in a preamp before, hey, is this the tube 6sn7's you and pops rave about, of being the big sound of tubes? and, are the 12at7 tubes similair to the 12au7 and 12ax7 tubes that I do like?,thanks john.
@ charles1dad, Hi, Did you see how many tubes the m-1 has?, If its as clear sounding as it is made out to be, I would not want to go thru the exspense of tube rolling all those tubes, LOL!, for what reason would I do that if the preamp has the spookey clarity its claimed to have?, dude, thats a boat load of funds to tube roll this baby to the quality tubes of my choice if it was needed?, I had a tube source componet that was an ayon one time, and the tube choice that I wanted was $1,200.00 for 4 tubes!, LOL!, No, I did not get the tubes, but you get the point?
Ok, I see if I wanted a m-1 preamp with phono, The preamp has 18 tubes,the 12at7 tubes are for the phono,, and yes, Jmcgrogan2, the 6sn7 tubes are the ones you and pops claim to be the fat big sound of tubes!, without the phono in the preamp, I get 10 of the 6sn7 tubes, If I auditioned this preamp and liked it, bought it, etc.., I suppose I would have a similair tube sound that the both of you have with the preamps the two of you own. since I do not own not one record, or a turntable, even thou I love analog vinyl, that scenero would be stratisphere exspensive to achieve that set-up, cables, etc...I would only have a turntable that would match the quality of the preamp as well too!, man-o-man that would be exspensive, the line stage would be it for me, sorry john, I need a lottery hit to do this phono thing, LOl!
A friend has this preamp and the MA-1 amplifier. I've also placed my SET amp in this system and with either amplifier it was clear this is an excellent component. Many good attributes, transparency, minimal coloration, open with exceptional dynamic energy and quite natural sound ( most important to me). Obviously you can learn more from Ralph than me.
I haven't read all the responses but so far, preamp seem to be holding their own. I for one will always use a preamp. A tube preamp. Regardless of the amplifier being used, I think a preamp will not only provide better sonics but also serve other purposes as well.
It is true most digital gear has the 'drive' to eliminate a preamp but to me, I have yet to hear any source direct system that sounds as good as a preamp driven system. Almost everyone I know, whether in the business or just consumers, still run preamps in their system even if only a digital or server based front end. A good digital front end, DAC and tube preamp appears to be staying around for the foreseeable future.
I have been in this industry for almost twenty years and designing tube gear for 15 years so I have been exposed to countless system combinations.
Preamps, tube or SS, will be around for a long time.