The future of preamps

I still use one, but I wonder if their days are numbered. To those who have removed the preamp from their system, have there been any regrets? Anyone gone back to using a preamp after having removed it?
@ Knghifi, Hi, I am interested in Atmas-phere, I have a problem with 32 volts out-put for a 3.58 input sensativity!, You can re-read my 12-26 post to Georgelofi and understand why, other than that, I believe the M-1 is a fine designed product on paper!, It would be nice to match perfectly, cheers, Happy new year.
Audiolab, I'll try this one more time, and then I'll cease and desist. The 32 volt spec is NOT A PROBLEM FOR YOUR AMP OR FOR ANY OTHER AMP IN THE KNOWN UNIVERSE.

Everything else being equal, the higher that number is the better. That number has NOTHING whatsoever to do with where you will set your volume control, and it has NOTHING whatsoever to do with how much voltage the preamp would be putting out in actual use.

How much voltage the preamp puts out depends on three things: The voltage that is sent into it by the source; its gain (which is a moderate 14 db in this case, for non-phono sources); and where the volume control is set. Again, where the volume control is set has NOTHING to do with the 32 volt number. Again, how much voltage the preamp puts out in actual use has NOTHING to do with the 32 volt number.

Please re-read the numerous posts Ralph and I have both made in this thread about specs on preamp output voltage capability.

Peace. Regards,
-- Al
Hi Audiolabyrinth,
Al and Ralph have given you a very "clear and correct" explanation regarding your concerns. Carefully re-read what they both have written.
AudioL, ya my Dude has some parts I wanted for my tastes including Vishay Z Foil & Shinkoh resistors, Neotech top quality copper wire and 3001 cable for the signal path, extra power supply capacitance......

Nice Dude for sure!
Al, let me remind you of a very fine album by Jethro Tull.
It's called "Thick As A Brick".
Gerald Bostock is alive and well.