Integrateds: $3K, $4.5K or $5K

I'm building a new system with an integrated amp at its heart. I'm considering Musical Fidelity M6i (200 wpc, $3,000), McIntosh MA5200 (100 wpc, $4500) or Bryston B135 SST2 (135 wpc, $5070 w/ remote).

Will be driving either Totem Element Fire (8 ohms, 88db SPL) or Joseph Audio Pulsar (8 ohms, 85db SPL), both 2-way stand mounts.

Small room (13' x 15', 9' ceiling).

Listening to mostly mainstream rock, R&B, dance/club. Occasional light jazz, Broadway, Sinatra and the like.

Would welcome input from those who've had experience with, or opinions about, any of these amps.

Not sure if you are open to other suggestions, but as a Joseph dealer, I can give you 2 other great options for the Pulsars (incredible speakers by the way):

Rogue Audio Pharaoh

Krell s500i
Re Cayin integreteds , FWIW, I have a couple of Cayin 'boat anchors' for which I have been unable to get service or parts from the distributor despite telephone calls, etc. Lots of promises, no follow through. One would think he was going out of business. One would think he would be able to get parts from China for a unit still in production. One would think.....:-(
Of the amps mentioned the Bryston is clearly the best choice. The 20 year warranty will help with resale and give you peace of mind! If it's sound quality your after the Marantz pm-11s2/3 is hard to beat at it's price point.
I've not heard a PM11S2/S3 but I own a Marantz Reference PM-KI which is their slightly lower 15 series with upgraded 11 series components (copper chassis, larger transformer) which is reputed to run with a PM11S2 and I am extremely happy with it. The build quality on the Marantz Reference series is simply second to none at anything under $10k. With that said, I have Totem Forests that I power with my Marantz amp and I find the combination a bit warm - both the speakers and the amp are on the warm end of the spectrum and sometimes I would prefer a bit more "analytical" top end. I swapped out my copper interconnects for silver ones and noticed a definite improvement - in my system the marginal loss of bass resulting from the swap to silver was a nonissue, the combo produces an abundance, but the increased detail in the high end was welcome.

I am considering making a switch to a B135 for synergy reasons but I find the Marantz more attractive, it is considerably less money to buy, and on a resale basis is fantastic.

Please consider the LSA Statement integrated. About as wide open, spacious, transparent, and gorgeous as I've ever heard in an integrated under $10K. There's a new one on audiogon for $3300.

Aside from that, the Bryston seems the best fit for your monitors.