Wyetech Labs Ruby Std preamp - any views?

My curiosity has been piqued by this tube preamp, designed with an original circuit layout. Does anyone have any opinions?
Hi F1a,
Agree with you wholeheartedly, transparency and tonal warmth can and
do coexist. The audiophile dictionary has yet to be written so terms have
various meanings to different people. Transparency to me means the
absence of a veil or scrim that's between you and the music presented in
front of you. The more effectively this obstruction is removed, the more
transparent your sound will be. This will allow the true sound of
instruments and voice to be heard more naturally. This more natural and
honest sound does reveal the full tonality and body that is present. Live
acoustic instruments have much color, timbre distinction, vibrancy and
weight, this is what true transparency reveals. If in doubt, go listen to
someone playing an instrument un- amplified. The current Hifi definition of

transparency seems to be accepted as a thinner and lean sound which is
wrong in my opinion. All this does is strip away the natural full
and complete tone and rich harmonics that exist in reality. SET amps really

opened my ears to this more realistic-natural sound.
Interesting Charles. Are you at all familiar with the Hovland HP200, my current pre? I think it does tick the right boxes, providing a good balance btwn natural tone/warmth, and so called transparency/accuracy.
My move to SETs has been really instructive, and the synergy btwn tonally full Audion Black Shadows and my full range driver/xoverless Zu Definitions 4 which major on density of tone has been fantastic. Feel I'm getting warmth AND transparency. Enhanced by a stabilising in the soundstage via Entreq grounding, and an opening of the whole bass foundation of the music with Westwick 8kVA balanced power.
I was actually not looking at changing pre amp since nothing interesting has entered my view, but was intrigued to read about the Wyetech Ruby Std, and it's fans' view that it has the perfect balance of tonal virtues with no so called transparency deficit.
I don't want to return to the days a few years ago where the choice was between warm, fat and congested (BAT phono amp that I bought) to counterbalance my Lyra Skala cart (neutral, thin and screechy). This is my fear in the warm v transparent argument, even though in most cases since, I seem to have a good balance.
Hello Spirit,
I'm not familiar with the Hovland preamp. Given the evolution of your system and its present make up I'd think that you have achieved both transparency and realistic tonal warmth. My gut feeling is that the Wyetech Ruby STD is as good as advertised when you consider the pedigree.
Sure Charles. That's why I was so surprised to hear Pavpet dismiss it so comprehensively. I may take a punt on a home trial. But the Hov pushes so many of the right buttons for me, this is not the priority it might have been in the past.
What do you consider Wyetech labs pedigree to be? Bob Hovland is surely up there too.
Pavpet has owned both, so I imagine he found the"relative" difference to be rather substantial between the Wyetech and Hovland. Certainly this doesn't mean your findings or impression would be similar.

Regarding Wyetech's pedigree, I was acknowledging their track record of success for truly musical SOTA sound. Hovland could be equally deserving but I'm not as familiar with them.